Thursday February 6, 2025
The Library will be closing today at 12 pm due to significant weather impact.
The Friends of the Wolfeboro Public Library is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit volunteer organization. All of the proceeds from membership dues and fundraising activities directly support the Wolfeboro Public Library. Fundraising efforts include book sales, sales of library-related merchandise, and the annual Book & Author Luncheon.
The Friends has funded major technology initiatives, passes to museums and other local attractions, additions to our book and film collections, the annual Summer Reading Program, a variety of children and adult programs, and much more.
Join the growing list of people who support the library with membership in the Friends. Stop in for a Friends of the Library Membership Application and return it to the library.
Donations are always welcome, and your gift is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Book Donations are welcome. Donations should be new or nearly new items in excellent condition. We cannot accept items that are moldy, musty, soiled, damaged or with any odor. We cannot accept VHS or cassette tapes, textbooks, encyclopedias, or out-of-date reference books. Donations should be limited to 25 items or fewer and be brought to the circulation desk. See this document for our book donation policy.
The book sale is located at on either side of the entrance to main library. Support your library by buying some treasures!